Developer's salary levels in Norway 2023

Developer’s salary levels in Norway 2023

At Witted we have met thousands of software developers and talked about salary with every single one of them. At the same time we have been talking with hundreds of employers, from startups to listed companies. Discussions on both sides of the table keep us informed about the current salary levels and developers’ aspirations. So, how does developers’ salary level in Norway look like in 2023?

SSB’s salary statistics for 2022 show that the average monthly salary in all sectors increased with 4,6%. For software developers the average monthly salary increased with 5,1%. This corresponds to an average monthly salary of NOK 69,210, which corresponds to an annual salary of NOK 830,520. Looking at the median, it increased by 5.9% from 2021 to 2022 to NOK 65,830, which again corresponds to an annual salary of NOK 789,960.

NITO reports similar figures, with a general salary increase of 4.1% in 2022, and a salary growth for identical people of 6.6%. That the salary for identical people is higher than the general increase is normal, as both increased seniority and competence from the previous census will help to increase the salary level of the individual.

Developer’s salary levels in Norway 2023

Our experience is that the gross salary for experienced developers is between NOK 700,000 and NOK 900,000. Roughly speaking, we see the following salary levels divided by level of experience:

  • Junior developer: NOK 550,000 – 700,000
  • Developer: NOK 650,000 – 850,000
  • Senior developer: NOK 750,000 – 950,000
  • Architect / lead developer: NOK 950,000+

There are many factors that affect the salary levels, such as education, type of role and what other benefits the employer offers. Salary levels are also somewhat higher in Oslo and in the private sector.

When it comes to fixed salary, it is often governed by, and correlates with, what the employee creates and what benefits he gives the company. The developers who have a salary in the upper part of the scale tend to have a little more responsibility, such as strategic planning, sales or personnel management. Developers who earn more than the average may also have niche expertise or have a salary model that is wholly or partly based on what you invoice the customer or perform.

Performance-based pay refers to a model where parts of the pay are linked to the work performed, for example by the employee invoicing hours and being paid a percentage of the pay. Projects that are sold at a higher hourly price generate more money for the company, but also directly benefit the employee in the form of a higher monthly salary. If, on the other hand, the employee is away from work a lot (e.g. sick leave), the performance-based salary will be reflected in a lower salary than the average.

You can increase your salary level by, for example, learning new skills, taking a more senior or lead role, or changing jobs.

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